A Framework for Understanding Circular Economy Monitoring: Insights from the Automotive Industry
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The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have paved the way toward a more sustainable future. The 2019 EU Green Deal and the 2020 EU Circular Economy Action Plan [1] introduce laws and regulations to facilitate and encourage the transition towards sustainability and a circular economy (CE). For the implementation of these regulatory measures, public authorities face the challenge to gain access to relevant business data for compliance monitoring. Digital infrastructures and access to business data (sources) such as the material composition of products are useful for compliance monitoring, however CE-relevant data is spread across multiple platforms of the supply chain partners and across multiple supply chains. Therefore, digital infrastructures and information-sharing arrangements need to be developed to create visibility and traceability for monitoring the circular economy flows. In this paper, we use a conceptual framework with four dimensions (context, actors, public value, and digital infrastructures) to analyze key actors and potential data of value they hold in their digital infrastructures to explore options for data-sharing solutions.
By focusing predominantly on the actor dimension, we analyze a case study in the automotive industry, taking the perspective of two focal Dutch governmental actors: Customs and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. In our analysis, we also show how this actor dimension is linked to the other dimensions: context, public value, and digital infrastructures. These dimensions
play an instrumental role in navigating through the complex actornetwork in a systematic way toward identifying pathways for the development of digital infrastructures and data-sharing solutions for circular economy monitoring.