Pulsed Operation of a Weakly-Dispersive, Leaky-Wave Antenna
A Causal Numerical Study
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A strictly causal numerical study of the pulsed operation of a weakly dispersive, leaky wave (LW) antenna is presented. The intricacies at the forefront of the electromagnetic (EM) field radiated from a gap-fed slot in a perfectly electrically conducting (PEC) sheet are evidenced for the first time. The radical effect of a free-space gap separating the PEC sheet from the dielectric half-space into which the slot radiates is demonstrated, thus providing time-domain (TD) arguments for the effectiveness of this essential element of leaky-lens antennas (LLAs). The response of the gapped structure to an excitation consisting of pulse trains is evaluated. The discussed results pave the way toward building a genuine TD counterpart of the LW radiation from gap-fed slots. Furthermore, they are conditional to understanding the transients occurring in between intervals when a steady-state, time-harmonic (TH) operation can be assumed, an extremely relevant ingredient to implementing highly complex modulations in carrier-based, wireless transfer.