A Typical Lyceum Library

A historical analysis of school libraries inside lyceums in Amsterdam between 1900 and 2015

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Since 2012 the reading level of students in the Netherlands is dropping. The blame is mostly put on the increasing digitalisation of the world. This research tries to help battle this decrease, by analysing how libraries in lyceums in the Netherlands looked before the digitalisation. This will be done by looking at 5 different case studies in Amsterdam, with their building build between 1900 and 2015. The research will try to formulate a typical library inside a lyceum based on the functionality and other characteristics. The author found out that the libraries started off as mainly a place to store books and having a closed off character. This evolved to larger libraries that would be more open to the other parts of the school. Architecturally, the libraries were not very different from the rest of the school. Therefore, they always look like a function like any other inside a school, while they have different requirements.  
