A techno-economic approachfor geologicalfor capacitystorageassessmentof CO2 inandaustriaranking of potential options

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Carbon dioxide capture and geological storage (CCS) is a means to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This paper shows an application to the Austrian context of a newly developed methodology for the assessment of geological reservoirs, based on expert opinions on the Schönkirchen Tief, Höflein, Schönkirchen Übertief, Reyersdorfer Dolomite, Aderklaa, Atzbach-Schwanenstadt and Voitsdorf reservoirs. Because of a lack in reservoir-specific research for the storage of CO, large uncertainties on the behaviour and use of the Austrian reservoirs exist. Therefore the potential of the reservoirs remains unknown.2 Geological, technological and economic simulations are performed which integrate different uncertainties. The results show that there is a significant potential for CO storage in Austria. The total practical and matched capacity for Austria is assessed at about 120 and 40 MtCO respectively. An exploration2 priority ranking, based on reservoir development probability, shows that the Schönkirchen Übertief reservoir2 has the highest potential for storage and should be a primary target for further exploration.