Effect of resin-rich bond line thickness and fibre migration on the toughness of unidirectional Carbon/PEEK joints

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It is a common practice in fusion bonding of thermoplastic composites to add a matrix layer between the two substrates to be joined. The aim is to ensure proper wetting of the two parts. The effect of this additional matrix layer on the mechanical performance was studied by mode I fracture toughness measurements. The additional matrix was inserted at the interface in the form of films of various thicknesses. Three different manufacturing techniques, namely autoclave consolidation, press consolidation and stamp forming, were used to prepare different sets of specimens with varying resin-rich bond line thickness. The occurrence of fibre migration towards the matrix rich interface was induced by the manufacturing techniques used due to their different processing times. The interlaminar fracture toughness was observed to increase with increasing amount of extra-matrix at the interface, while no effects of the fibre migration on the fracture toughness were observed.


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