Blending Your Education
Lessons Learned During COVID
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This article is a concise analysis of the current COVID situation taking into account the needs of teaching staff and support staff in an emergency situation (IO1) and conditions for change management (IO6) to the design and develop blended education. TU Delft is partner of the EU project 'Digitel Pro' in collaboration with DCU, KU Leuven, UOC, and EADTU. This is an analysis (a) completing the literature review from 2018 on and (b) refocusing the conclusions on the COVID 19 needs as the Digitel Pro partners have already made a comprehensive analysis for the EMBED project. Best Practices for Blended Learning during COVID times are still emerging. It is unclear if everyone truly uses the same definition for blended and hybrid teaching within the literature produced during COVID times because not all authors provide a definition in their articles. Some of the authors who published in 2020 and 2021 are completely new to online teaching. Although online education has been around since at least 2003, it is surprising to see authors mention that distance learning is still in developmental stages in 2021. Distance learning will continue to develop, however distance learning is well established as an educational mode with various formats such as online, blended, hybrid, and virtual exchange. Perhaps new during COVID times was that all courses had to face distance learning and prior to COVID, some educators could avoid online formats entirely. The original plan pre-COVID for implementing Blended Learning throughout an entire campus was realized in the document: Research report on state of the art in blended learning and innovation (Goeman, Poelmans, & Van Rompaey, 2018), found here: This article expands on that Research report by explaining the COVID scenarios and what emerged as the secondary or emergency plan, as well as best practices noted by instructors for education during rapid changes for COVID restrictions.