Scale-adaptivity of the HARMONIE-AROME EDMF-scheme in the shallow cumulus boundary layer

Investigating and reviewing the turbulence partitioning functions from LES-based coarse-graining

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The weather significantly influences daily life, which is predominantly due to short-term weather phenomena occurring in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The HARMONIE-AROME (HARMONIE) model, used by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), simulates the ABL by discretizing the atmosphere into a three-dimensional grid. Processes occurring at scales significantly larger than these grid can be resolved by the model, but processes occurring at scales smaller than the grid (subgrid) are parameterized by theoretical frameworks. At the current horizontal grid resolution of the HARMONIE model, both shallow convection and smaller-scaled diffuse turbulent transport are parameterized by the Eddy-Diffusivity (ED) and the Mass-Flux (MF) scheme, respectively, coupled in the EDMF-framework. In which the MF is described separately for the dry and the moist (cloudy) updraft.
Increasing the model’s resolution promises an increase in atmospheric representation, yet introduces challenges in the so-called Grey zone of turbulence, where the scale of the turbulent motions are in the same order of magnitude as grid size, making
them neither fully resolved nor fully subgrid.
This study aims to investigate the scale-adaptivity of the HARMONIE EDMF-scheme in the Grey zone of turbulence, for the shallow cumulus boundary layer. To this end, high-resolution Large Eddy Simulation (LES) results of two shallow-cumulus cases are coarse-grained to quantify the partitioning of resolved and unresolved turbulence. It is reviewed how well these partitionings scale against the resolution, normalized with height of the dry (h) and the cloudy boundary layer (h+hc), to investigate the potential of scale-adaptivity of the EDMF-scheme with this height. Additionally, the HARMONIE model is run for one of these cases at three EDMF settings: without scale adaptations, with a scale-adaptive scheme based on both h and hc, and with an additional vertical velocity threshold.
In the dry boundary layer, the partitionings of turbulences showed to scale well with the height of the dry boundary layer h, but also implied additional large scaled turbulent transport not carried by strong updrafts. The scaling down of the dry MF in the HARMONIE run showed significant reduction, with increased resolved transport. However, the unresolved partitioning to the total flux still was higher than expected by LES results, which may be explained by these large scaled turbulent transport not accounted for with the mass-flux. In the cloud layer, scaling the resolved and unresolved partitioning of the total turbulence with the height of the cloud h + hc showed not as effective, and indicated that it may not sufficiently represent the strength of convection in the cloud layer. This is supported by the
HARMONIE run, that showed too much decrease of the moist updraft. The addition of the vertical velocity threshold showed a too strong decrease of mass-flux, both in the dry and in the mixed layer. An additional figure from LES results suggest that this threshold was set too low and scale-adaptivity of this threshold may be needed.
