Including internal multiples in joint migration inversion and redatuming of North Sea field data

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The Joint migration inversion (JMI) is a data-driven and effective approach to simulateously estimate the reflectivity (seismic image) and the propagation velocity. As it is a full waveform method, it explains all the multiple scattering and transmission effects present in the data and can also be extended to full-wavefield redatuming process. Here, we demonstrate the impact of JMI in correctly explaining the internal multiples present both in the overburden and the reservoir, using a field dataset from the North Sea. By comparing the JMI and JMI-based redatuming results with the least-squares migration and standard redatuming results, we also show, even though the internal multiples may not be that strong in these settings, that their effects is clearly visible in the prestack image domain and in the local reservoir impulse responses that may finally blur the elastic inversion process.