LuminaCity: a Real-Time Daylight Analysis Tool for Architectural and Urban Development Using Unreal Engine

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This thesis presents the development of a real-time daylight analysis tool for architectural and urban development using the Unreal Game Engine. The tool offers architects and urban planners a fast and precise way of analysing outdoor daylight conditions in their designs. The Unreal Game Engine provides real-time visualisation and analysis of daylight conditions, which makes it an effective tool for real-time decision-making during the design process. The study compares the light values and the process of extracting these values in Unreal with the validated light model Radiance used in Honeybee & Ladybug in the visual scripting program Grasshopper for Rhino. The thesis compares the values of Unreal & Honeybee/ladybug based on outdoor illuminance values, calculation time and ease of use. The comparison demonstrates the potential of Unreal as a valuable daylight analysis tool, with measurements showing a Mean Absolute Error of 9.78% between Honeybee and Unreal. In terms of computational time, the Unreal application requires only 0.6ms to execute and recalculate the daylight analysis, whereas the complete Honeybee script took an average of 93 minutes to calculate daylight values, and a new angle calculation took approximately 645 seconds. Furthermore, unlike Honeybee, which is sensitive to the complexity of urban or complex geometries and requires challenging adjustments, the Unreal application effortlessly accommodates complex geometry without the need for extensive modification.
The thesis concludes that the tool provides a robust and efficient method for analysing daylight conditions in architectural and urban design. The tool's ease of use and real-time visualisation capabilities make it an essential addition to the design workflow. Finally, the thesis presents the tool as a proof of concept for a geospatial urban development platform with built-in geospatial analysis. The research has demonstrated the potential of real-time simulation and analysis using the Unreal Game Engine as a powerful tool for architects and urban planners.
