Support for relatives during the process of euthanasia of a loved one

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The focus of this project is on the loved ones during the process of euthanasia. Currently, there is a lack of consistent and clear support for this group. The tips for loved ones that can be found on the websites of euthanasia organizations are often about how to support the person who wants euthanasia. Less support is available on how to deal with this process emotionally as a loved one.

The Nederlandse Vereniging voor een Vrijwillig Levenseinde (NVVE) is involved as the client of this project. They provide support and information to people who want to apply for euthanasia (Missie en visie, z.d.).

Every euthanasia process is different, every person deals with this differently, but design can support people to find a way to get through this carefully. In this project, the research focus is on the process of people with physical health issues. The process is looked at, from the moment the conversation with loved ones about euthanasia starts until the grieving with other loved ones afterward.

This project is based on an extensive context research process. During this stage the different players in the system of euthanasia within the NVVE were interviewed. The main research was focused on the loved ones and the NVVE. The loved ones were both interviewed and had a booklet to share their story. This resulted into a list of recognizable themes for loved ones. The analysis of the data resulted into a design vision and interaction vision.

Design vision:
“Design to foster the beauty of the process, by creating moments of silence and evaluation during the process of euthanasia.”
Based on these visions the concept “moments of silence” was created. Together with a roadmap for the NVVE which shows them possible next steps to give more support to the loved ones.

From the evaluation sessions it can be concluded that both the NVVE and the loved ones see potential in this concept. They both recognize the need for recognition and support for the loved ones. They recognize that standing still will help the loved ones to reflect about their own experience and help to create and cherish the beautiful moment together.

Moments of silence
The concept “Moments of silence” is a product-service combination for the NVVE which helps the loved ones to create moments of reflection during the process to be able to see/cherish the beauty of that process.

The folder will guide the reader through seven recognizable themes for loved ones during the process of euthanasia. Each theme consists of several stories which are based on real stories. They can either read or listen the stories, which fits their style of processing at that moment. Afterwards, the loved ones are asked to reflect on the theme in their own way. Positive questions and assignments are formulated to stimulate positive reflection. The folder emphasizes that the reader should take their own pace and way of using this folder, since it is such a personal and delicate topic.