Directionality of damage growth in fibre metal laminates and hybrid structures

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Fibre-metal laminates (FMLs) have been studied intensively for the past three decades because of their enhanced fatigue properties compared to monolithic metals. Most of these studies have focused on the fatigue damage under in-axis loading. These studies led to the application of FMLs in the aircraft structure in the early 21st century. However, the main application remains limited to the aircraft fuselage where the loading direction remains mostly constant. The few studies in the damage directionality of FMLs show that crack paths in FMLs under off-axis loading can undergo small deflections in biaxial GLAss REinforced aluminium (Glare) grades but show a significant amount of deflection in uniaxial Glare grades. In order to extend FML application to other parts of the aircraft structure where the loading direction is not constant or where uniaxial Glare is required – like aircraft wings - more understanding is required about the directionality of damage in FMLs under off-axis loading. To this effect the present research in damage directionality of FMLs under off-axis loading was undertaken.


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