Offshore wind turbine blade installation

Development of a motion-compensated Stewart platform for blade installation with a floating vessel

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With the increasing water depths of the new offshore wind farms, the challenging soil conditions, the availability of assets, and other factors, jack-up installation vessels may no longer be suitable to complete the installation scope of work for the new wind farms. Therefore, installation methods and techniques using floating vessels must be further developed to allow safe and efficient installation of wind turbines.

Due to the response of floating installation vessels, excessive motions can be transmitted to the lifted object, making the installation operation very weather sensitive. To increase workability, Heerema Marine Contractors (HMC) has developed the RNA method for wind turbine installation using a semi-submersible crane vessel. This method uses a temporary support structure on the vessel deck (installation tower) where the RNA is fully assembled with the assistance of the GREP (Guided Root End Positioning) tool to constrain the blade root to the top of the installation tower and consequently the hub. Finally, the RNA is installed in a single lift on the WTG permanent support structure. However, the GREP tool is compatible only with a specific range of wind turbine blade dimensions; therefore, for a different-size wind turbine blade a new GREP tool must be designed, fabricated, and mobilised.

This project proposes an improvement to the HMC's RNA method to eliminate the necessity of the GREP tool. That is, a motion-compensated Stewart platform attached to the crane boom, where the blade is fixed to be installed in the hub on top of the installation tower. The project is developed by investigating the initial assumptions; those are crane boom stiffness, blade deflection, installation tower motions and their influence on the vessel's response, and aerodynamic loads acting on the blade during installation. The kinematics (inverse and forward) and dynamics of a Stewart platform are formulated, as well as the mechanical concept of the proposed system and the blade installation process using a Stewart platform attached to the crane boom.

Furthermore, to eliminate the requirement of the GREP tool, a control system is developed to compensate for the blade root motions relative to the hub. The motion control system uses sensors to measure the hub's motions and generate the Stewart platform actuators' set points. Different possible sensor set-ups are evaluated, and a filter is designed to reduce the influence of the sensors' noise. The control system is developed on the basis of feedback PI (Proportional and Integral) and adaptive feedforward control to the actuators (hydraulic cylinders).

It is concluded that it is technically feasible to use a motion- compensated Stewart platform for blade installation in the RNA method. However, the economic aspects of the proposed solution must be investigated.


Jadyr_M_A_Peres_EWEM_MSc_Thesi... (pdf)
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