Entrance length of suspension pipe flows - An experimental study

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Particle-laden pipe flows are ubiquitous in industrial applications. Examples are industries like dredging, slurry transport, and the transport of reactants and products in chemical industries. One of the most important factors in these transport processes is the friction coefficient which relates directly to the pumping power which is a significant parameter for industries when viewed from an economic standpoint. The migration of particles in dense suspensions can significantly impact the friction coefficient in pipe flow. The clustering of particles in the core can lead to a reduction in the friction factor compared to a well-mixed particle suspension. This reduction is attributed to the decreased effective viscosity near the pipe wall. While the development lengths of single-phase flows are well known, limited knowledge exists regarding the development of velocity and concentration profiles in suspension flows.

The goal of this thesis is to study the development of neutrally buoyant suspension pipe flows. The experimental setup was validated using pressure drop measurements and the entrance length for single-phase pipe flow was obtained. The experiments for suspension flows involved varying the suspension Reynolds number and volume fractions keeping the particle size constant. Ultrasound imaging technique is used to circumvent the opacity of the suspension to study the development of suspension pipe flow. The inlet conditions for concentration were characterized, obtaining a uniform distribution at the inlet. Measurements are conducted at various locations downstream of the pipe and the velocity of the dispersed phase is obtained using ultrasound imaging velocimetry. Additionally, insights into the development of the concentration profile are obtained by checking the convergence towards a fully developed intensity profile, despite the fact that the image intensity doesn’t directly correlate to concentration profiles. The velocity profiles and intensity profiles were analyzed to understand the effect of radial migration on both concentration and velocity profiles. The entrance lengths for concentration and velocity were obtained for volume fractions ranging from 0.17 to 0.25 and suspension Reynolds numbers ranging from 500-2000. The results obtained revealed that the entrance length for concentration was greater than the entrance length for velocity. Scaling of the concentration entrance length with suspension Reynolds number and volume fractions were determined, and suspension Reynolds number scaled with an exponent of -1.62 and volume fraction scaled with an exponent of -2.1. This implies that the entrance length decreases with an increase in suspension Reynolds number and volume fraction. However, no definite trend was observed for the velocity entrance length.
