Enhancing DAG-Based Consensus Protocols with Weighted Voting: A Performance Analysis of Narwhal and Tusk

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This paper explores the integration of weighted vot-ing mechanisms into DAG-based consensus proto-cols, such as Tusk [EuroSys’22], which promise high throughput and low latency. Weighted voting,
pioneered by protocols like WHEAT [SRDS’15] and AWARE [TDSC’20], aims to optimize perfor-mance metrics such as latency and throughput by assigning weights to nodes based on their latency with other nodes. We employ real-world latency data from CloudPing to evaluate the impact of weighted voting on Tusk, comparing them against its unweighted counterpart. Our results demon-strate significant performance improvements, with the weighted voting mechanism achieving up to 37% lower consensus latency compared to un-weighted approaches.