Offshore Energy Hub Island in the North Sea
The development of a hydrodynamic model to explore the ecological feasibility
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To combat the emission of greenhouse gasses and the corresponding climate change, emission reduction goals have been established in the recent Paris Agreement. In order to meet these reduction goals and minimise the global average temperature increase, implementation of renewable energy sources is critical. Wind energy is one of the fastest growing renewable energy sources in the European Union, since Europe has the largest offshore wind energy capacity with its shallow shelf sea: the North Sea.
Over the last twenty years, the wind energy capacity has increased significantly to become the current second highest power generation form of the European Union. The downside to offshore wind energy however, are the high costs that come with its generation. Cable losses of alternating currents between the wind turbines and the shore become increasingly high, as the distances towards the shore increment. For long distances, this inefficiency becomes unacceptable and conversion to a direct current is deemed necessary.
A recently presented concept that aims to reduce the costs of offshore wind energy, is the concept of a large scale roll-out of interlinked offshore turbines, coordinated at an European level, including a so-called hub island. This artificial island facilitates converters, as well as a home base for engineers and large scale power storage. Technically, no big problems are expected with the construction of such artificial island. The major reason that could stop the hub island concept, is resistance from environmental organisations.
To predict ecological repercussions of an artificial island, the impact on hydrodynamic parameters most important to the bottom of the marine food chain are explored. The primary producers represent this foundation of the food chain, and are most affected by the island through changes in water stratification and residual currents. These parameters highly influence the light and nutrient availability, thereby regulating the primary production dynamics of the ecosystem.
By developing and applying the Three Dimensional Dutch Continental Shelf Flexible Mesh (3D DCSM-FM) model, the impact of an artificial island on the stratification and residual currents is explored for five case studies. Each case study comprises a 6km$^2$ cylindrical island, for different North Sea locations with distinct hydrodynamic properties.
The implementation of an artificial island alters residual currents up to 10km from its position. The location determines the impact pattern, but influences remain local without any large scale North Sea impacts. Since changes in nutrient availability are only expected for large scale residual current impacts, no significant alterations in primary production dynamics are to be expected.
The impact on stratification however, can have a significant influence on the dynamics of primary production. The originally well-mixed areas remain mostly unchanged, while islands in the more stratified regions can cause significant changes in absolute stratification up to 20km from the banks, and alterations in regimes or the seasonal onset timing up to 2.5km. The location and its hydrodynamic properties are paramount to the type of expected stratification impact, and proves to be an important design parameter for ecology around an offshore energy hub island in the North Sea.