Towards Real-Time Structural Health Monitoring using Low-Cost Dual Frequency GNSS Receivers

From a Geodetic Perspective

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Under urban sprawl the trend of new established complex structures has rapidly increased. In this context little importance has been given to maintenance, even if this represents an important step in combating and avoiding disasters and developing improved future structural designs. Over the last years low-cost Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) equipment has faced rapid and important development opening a new door to reliable and high accuracy positioning applications such as structural health monitoring (SHM). This study focuses on assessing, from a geodetic perspective, the capabilities of a pair of low-cost dual frequency GNSS receivers for capturing the kinematic response of structures to wind. An experiment has been carried out with a stainless steel cantilever beam, aiming to highlight the advantages of employing a differential GNSS system for monitoring low frequency changes in the structure’s body. Hence, in this context the nominal precision of the GNSS system in East, North and Up direction of 4, 5 and 10 millimeter (1σ), was further improved to 3, 4 and 8 miilimeters in the presence of a Global Positioning System (GPS) based multipath (MP) correction. However, it is safer to consider that the true displacement retention potential of the low-cost GNSS receivers corresponds to 3 times (3σ) the aforementioned standard deviation values, resulting in slightly larger than 1 centimeter detectable horizontal displacements, and up to 2.4 centimeters vertical displacements. To support this, wind-induced beam displacements of up to 1.9 centimeters were identified and attested based on a cross correlation analysis with meteorological information. Next, the architecture of a GNSS based SHM system is proposed that can detect structural displacements in real time and rise safety alarms. Therefore, with real time kinematic (RTK) differential positioning and a position outlier and slip statistical testing procedure, a clear strategy for the estimation and identification of uni- or tri-dimensional displacement quantities in real time is proposed, to rise alarms about the magnitude and the direction of identified displacements. Hence, there is no doubt that newly released low-cost dual frequency GNSS receivers represent an alternative to high-end geodetic equipment for SHM, by offering an optimal balance between precision and cost efficiency.


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