Large eddy simulations of reacting and non-reacting transcritical fuel sprays using multiphase thermodynamics

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We present a novel framework for high-fidelity simulations of inert and reacting sprays at transcritical conditions with highly accurate and computationally efficient models for complex real-gas effects in high-pressure environments, especially for the hybrid subcritical/supercritical mode of evaporation during the mixing of fuel and oxidizer. The high-pressure jet disintegration is modeled using a diffuse interface method with multiphase thermodynamics, which combines multi-component real-fluid volumetric and caloric state equations with vapor-liquid equilibrium calculations for the computation of thermodynamic properties of mixtures at transcritical pressures. Combustion source terms are evaluated using a finite-rate chemistry model, including real-gas effects based on the fugacity of the species in the mixture. The adaptive local deconvolution method is used as a physically consistent turbulence model for large eddy simulation (LES). The proposed method represents multiphase turbulent fluid flows at transcritical pressures without relying on any semi-empirical breakup and evaporation models. All multiphase thermodynamic model equations are presented for general cubic state equations coupled with a rapid phase-equilibrium calculation method that is formulated in a reduced space based on the molar specific volume function. LES results show a very good agreement with available experimental data for the reacting and non-reacting engine combustion network benchmark spray A at transcritical operating conditions.