SANOM results for OAEI 2018

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Simulated annealing-based ontology matching (SANOM) participates for the second time at the ontology alignment evaluation initiative (OAEI) 2018. This paper contains the configuration of SANOM and its results on the anatomy and conference tracks. In comparison to the OAEI 2017, SANOM has improved significantly, and its results are competitive with the state-of-the-art systems. In particular, SANOM has the highest recall rate among the participated systems in the conference track, and is competitive with AML, the best performing system, in terms of F-measure. SANOM is also competitive with LogMap on the anatomy track, which is the best performing system in this track with no usage of particular biomedical background knowledge. SANOM has been adapted to the HOBBIT platfrom and is now available for the registered users. abstract environment.


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