Magnetotransport properties of CrO2 nanowires fabricated by selective area growth

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Chromium dioxide (CrO2) nanowires with their half-metallic ferromagnetic properties have shown great promise in spintronics applications. However, growth of such wires remains challenging. We used the Selective Area growth method to fabricate high quality epitaxial CrO2 wires on a TiO2 substrate, using trenches oriented both along the substrate [001] c-axis and along the [010] b-axis, which are the magnetically easy and hard axis of the wire, respectively. We investigated the morphology of the wires by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and measured their physical properties, in particular magnetoresistance (MR) and the Anomalous Hall Effect (AHE). TEM images showed that the morphology of the wires grown along the two axes are very different. MR data show very sharp switching for c-axis grown wires (the easy axis), even for quite large wire widths. The AHE is found to be different for c-axis wires and b-axis wires, which we argue to be due to a different wire morphology on the nanoscale.