Passive Control of Shock-Wave/Turbulent Boundary-Layer Interaction Using Spanwise Heterogeneous Roughness

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A novel passive flow-control method for shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interactions (STBLI) is investigated. The method relies on a structured roughness pattern constituted by streamwise-aligned ridges. Its effectiveness is assessed with wall-resolved large-eddy simulations of the interaction of a Mach 2 turbulent boundary layer flow with an oblique impinging shock with shock angle 40. The structured roughness pattern, which is fully resolved by a cut-cell based immersed boundary method, covers the entire computational domain. Results show that this rough surface induces large-scale secondary streamwise vortices, which energize the boundary layer by transporting high-speed fluid closer to the wall. A parametric study is performed to investigate the effect of the spacing between the ridges. This investigation is further substantiated through spectral analysis and sparsity-promoting dynamic mode decomposition. We find that ridges with small spacing effectively mitigate the low-frequency unsteadiness of STBLI and slightly reduce total-pressure loss.