Author Correction
Coupling electrochemical CO2 conversion with CO2 capture (Nature Catalysis, (2021), 4, 11, (952-958), 10.1038/s41929-021-00699-7)
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In the version of this article, there were errors in Fig. 2a and d. In Fig. 2a, we have changed Cu2+ to Cu(0) in the revised version. While the two references cited in our paper used Cu2+ in their schematics,1,2 we believe that Cu(0) is the correct representation for the electrochemically mediated amine regeneration (EMAR)3. To be clear, the Cu metal anode is oxidized into cupric ions. The cupric ions then bind to the carbamate and displace the CO2 and form a copper–amine complex. The copper–amine complex is then reduced at the cathode where Cu metal is plated out. In Fig. 2d, we have changed the polarity of the cathode and anode in the revised version. A proton is released at the anode, while a hydroxide is released at the cathode. We have also simplified the quinone/hydroquinone chemistry in the revised version to be consistent with proton and hydroxide stoichiometry. The original and revised Fig. 2 images are shown below. The changes have been made to the html and PDF versions of the article.