Emscher Park 2.0
How can the landscape concept of urban forestry be used to shape the future landscape of the Rhine Ruhr Area (RRA)?
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Today, our cities continue to expand, and these cities have outgrown traditional urbanist descriptions. The character of the city, and its surroundings, has been replaced by dispersed areas, and a low-density, decentralised form of urban sprawl has become popular around the world, known as the Zwischenstadt, in-between city. At the metropolitan scale, this decentralised urban spatial character provides space for landscape interventions that are full of potential when the landscape is viewed as a whole.
In the past, most landscape interventions have been carried out from a systematic and functional angle, such as the famous IBA Emscher park project, which created a regional scale blue-green network system that is now the basis for a regional green way in the Ruhr area. Few have explored our regional landscapes from the angle of spatial form and spatial experience. Few also look at the question of the arrangement of our regional landscapes through the lens of morphological studies of urban forestry.
Therefore, this paper will explore how to describe the morphology of in-between regional landscape in the context of the Rhineland Ruhr region from two major angles: urban forestry and landscape form in metropolis. at the same time, how to develop these two major theories from the human perspective and apply these two theories to regional design to help people to perceive specific urban landscape images. Finally try to use these landscape theories to shape the future landscape of the Rhineland Ruhr region.