Reply to Lanari, R., et al. comment on “pre-collapse space geodetic observations of critical infrastructure
The morandi bridge, Genoa, Italy” by Milillo et al. (2019)
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We would like to thank our colleagues for their comment, as we believe that this discussion further highlights the importance of innovative research in the emerging field of InSAR applications to civil engineering structures. We discuss the statement from Lanari et al. (2020): “Our analysis shows that, although both the SBAS and the TomoSAR analyses allow achieving denser coherent pixel maps relevant to the Morandi bridge, nothing of the pre-collapse large displacements reported in Milillo et al. (2019) appears in our results”. In this reply we argue that (1) they cannot detect the pre-collapse movements because they use standard approaches and (2) the signals of interest become observable by changing the point of view.