COTS GNSS Receiver

Testing of an on-board receiver for the Indian Space Research Organisation satellite INS-1C

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The Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) plans to equip future satellites of its Indian Nano Satellite(INS) with COTS dual frequency receivers in order to let them contribute to various scientific research opportunities. This thesis develops a test framework for Commercial Of The Shelf (COTS) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)receivers on Nano satellites of the Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) to be used for scientific applications. This thesis aims to provided answer to the suitability of this data for scientific application. We have analyzed that the current generation Skytraq single frequency receiver, mounted in previous INS-1A to INS-1C missions, has with an accuracy in the meters range insufficient position accuracy to be used for scientific applications. Nevertheless, based on historical mission experiences and design constraints, a receiver-antenna system selection has been executed. Using this system as an example configuration, a test framework has been setup to analyze influential design and system configuration parameters influence on the GNSS receivers for future missions. The test setup consist of a series of static tests that enable to research the hardware configuration, such as the influence of a ground plane, and the data processing options, such as filters for the data and the choice of atmospheric models. It is complemented with a dynamic analysis of the receiver simulated performance in orbit using a GNSS simulator. Multiple data series were obtained for each individual test of the framework. These data series were analyzed with a developed data handling protocol in which multiple data processing software packages were used. In order to obtain comparable results in all test series, average deviations of the position fixes in the test periods were calculated and analyzed. This leads to a number of conclusions: The current antenna mounting on INS-1C is less than optimal and a ground plane would enhance the antenna performance with 20%. The raw data are essential for scientific experiments. However, they can most likely be limited to those obtained from GPS satellites excluding GLONASS and other GNSS constellations. It does pay off to include low viewing angle measurements for optimal results. The ionospheric models are indispensable to achieve sub meter accuracy with single frequency receivers.
