Next Generation Automotive DeNOX Catalysts: Ceria What Else?

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Nitrogenoxides (NOx, including NO and NOx) are a group of hazardous, toxic and harmfulgasses, which have an adverse effect on both environment and human health,e.g., acid rain, photochemical smog, and affecting the human respiratorysystem. The NOx concentration in most of the EUcities exceeds the EU annual limit value (40 μg/m3). Around40% of the emitted NOx is attributedto transport related emissions. In currently applicable Euro 6, the real NOx emissionfrom a diesel car is on average 400% than the Euro 6 regulation limit allows ifmeasured under more realistic driving conditions. Although NSR and SCR DeNOx systemshave been broadly investigated and commercially applied with the aim to reduceNOx emissions from lean burn engines,some common problems still exist, e.g., a narrow temperature window and a lowgas hourly space velocity (up to 50.000 L/L/h)in order to convert the NOx selectivelyinto Nx. Due to the in practice high NOxemissionfrom September 2017 additional legislation will be in force to arrive at a morerealistic determination of the highly dynamic NOxemissionby among others the introduction of the real driving emission (RDE) test in thecertification procedure. The Di-Air (Diesel NOxaftertreatment by Adsorbed Intermediate Reductants) system was developed by Toyota(2011-2012) and is still under development. This Di-Air system showed promiseby yielding a high NOx conversion,especially at high temperature (up to 600 ∘C) and high gas hourly space velocity (up to 125.000 L/L/h).This system opts to meet the future stringent NOxreductionrequirements under RDE test conditions (Chapter 1)…


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