Pore-scale simulation of H2-brine system relevant for underground hydrogen storage

A lattice Boltzmann investigation

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Underground hydrogen (H2) storage in saline aquifers is a viable solution for large-scale H2 storage. Due to its remarkably low viscosity and density, the flow of H2 within saline aquifers exhibits strong instability, which needs to be thoroughly investigated to ensure safe operations at the storage site. For the first time, we develop a lattice Boltzmann model tailored for pore-scale simulations of the H2-brine system under typical subsurface storage conditions. The model captures the significant contrast of fluid properties between H2 and brine, and it offers the flexibility to adjust the contact angle to suit varying wetting conditions. We show that the snap-off is enhanced in a system with a high capillary number and a small contact angle. These conditions lead to a low recovery factor, which is unfavorable for H2 production from the aquifer. Moreover, the relative permeability curves, computed from the simulation results, exhibit distinct behaviors for H2 and brine. In the case of the wetting phase, the relative permeability can be quantified using the quadratic expression, whereas for the non-wetting phase, the relative permeability exhibits a nearly linear behavior, and saturation alone appears insufficient to characterize the relative permeability at large saturations of non-wetting phase. This implies that different formula for liquid and gas phases may be employed for continuum-scale simulations.