The developer as low-emission supply chain initiator
A multiple-case study examining the supply-chain configuration and the developer’s role in implementing low-emission construction practices in Dutch inner-city high-rise projects.
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The construction industry is responsible
for the emitting carbon, nitrogen, and particulate matter, which is harmful to
the environment and contributes to global warming. Municipalities in the
Netherlands plan to reduce emissions in inner-city developments to zero before
2030, for which a transformation of the already complicated construction supply
chain would be necessary. The unique characteristics of the construction supply
chain; temporary coalition of organizations working on one-of-a-kind projects, complicate
reduction of supply chain emissions. In other sectors like manufacturing focal
firms take in a central position between the demand and supply system and can
align the supply chain. In construction the developer translates demands from
society, the public and customers into projects that are executed by core
supply chain stakeholders. The main question to be answered in this thesis is: How
can real estate developers organize a low-emission supply chain for high-rise
construction in Dutch cities? A literature review on green construction supply
chain management and construction emissions have given insight into the
drivers, barriers, and roles of different stakeholders in low-emission design, -procurement,
-logistics and -construction & manufacturing. Inner-city high-rise case
studies and semistructured interviews with relevant stakeholders within these
projects were conducted to draw lessons from practice. Developers can have a
big influence on construction emissions through setting ambitions and
translating these low-emission ambitions in the criteria for the procurement of
services and materials for all supply chain stakeholders. In design, close
collaboration with the architect and early involvement of the contractor and
relevant expertise can help implement low-emission practices. Logistics and
construction & manufacturing emissions can be influenced through
contractual agreements with contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers, but
should not be a direct responsibility of the developer and ask for active
involvement of the government.