Active Thruster Fault Diagnosis for an Overactuated Autonomous Surface Vessel

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As Autonomous Surface Vessels (ASVs) become increasingly prevalent in marine applications, ensuring their safe operation, in the presence of faults, is crucial to human safety. This paper presents a scheme that encompasses the detection and isolation of actuator faults within ASVs to ensure uninterrupted and safe operation. The method primarily addresses the loss of thruster effectiveness as a specific actuator fault. For fault detection, the proposed method leverages residuals generated by nonlinear observers, coupled with adaptive thresholds, enhancing fault detection accuracy. The active fault isolation strategy employs actuator redundancy to insulate specific system states from faults by dynamically reconfiguring the actuation configuration in response to detected faults. Comprehensive simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of this methodology across diverse marine traffic scenarios where the ASV needs to perform a collision avoidance maneuver.