Fruitful friction as a strategy to scale social innovations
A conceptual framework to enable the emergence of common ground in multi-stakeholder social innovation projects
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Social innovations are promising to tackle today's complex global challenges, especially when they scale, leading to a higher impact, which can generate asocietal transformation. The current work elaborates on scaling deep, a specific scaling strategy aiming to shift cultural values, mindsets and beliefs. However, applying this strategy in practice is not straightforward. Therefore, we first aim to
develop an actionable strategy that supports social innovators in their scaling efforts. Our research findings show that scaling deep can be defined as an (1) internal transformation process, (2) a social process, with (3) friction being an enabler for change. Second, these insights inform a framework that makes scaling deep more actionable and helps social innovators to use fruitful friction as a strategy
to scale deep. The current study adds a new viewpoint to the scaling deep context and presents a concrete starting point of the scaling deep strategy by linking it with the creation of common ground.