Self-healing cementitious composites with a hollow vascular network created using 3D-printed sacrificial templates
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Additively manufactured vascular networks have great potential for use in autonomous self-healing of cementitious composites as they potentially allow multiple healing events to take place. However, the existence of a vascular tube wall may impede with the healing efficiency if it does not rupture timely to release the healing agent. The issue of vascular material design has therefore been a major topic of research. To overcome this, dissolvable Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) filament is adopted in this study to fabricate the vascular networks. Fabricated networks are coated with wax, placed in cementitious mortar and removed upon hardening, thereby leaving a network of hollow channels. Different printing directions were expected to affect the dissolvability of printed structures and were therefore fabricated and tested. Different shapes (i.e., 2D and 3D) of vascular networks were printed and embedded in the cementitious mortar. Four-point bending tests and permeability tests were performed to investigate the healing efficiency. Multiple healing cycles were applied in the cracked specimens. The results show that the vertically printed PVA tubes with wax coating have good dissolution behaviour. As expected, the existence of vascular networks decreases the initial flexural strength of the specimens. In terms of healing efficiency, excellent mechanical and water tightness recovery were achieved when using epoxy resin as the healing agent. The mechanical recovery after the first healing process is higher than the following healing process. The watertightness of the cracked samples keeps decreasing with the increase of healing cycles. Specimens embedded with 3D vascular networks have higher healing potential than those utilizing 2D vascular networks.