A modified uwb bow-tie antenna for impulse radio

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A UWB antenna, which is adopted from a Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR) antenna is proposed for impulse radio applications. The proposed antenna has dimensions of 7 cm by 1.5 cm and is based on a modified bow-tie structure. It wmploys improved resistive loading for transmission of 0.2-ns monocycles with minimal ringing. The antenna radiation efficiency is enhanced by some discontinuities in teh antenna that serve as secondary sources of radiation. Theoretically, it has been found that antenna ring is adequately suppressed after less than 3 times the puylse duration. This will set the potential limit of data rate at more than iGbit/s. Furthermore, the antenna is omni-directional, has stable radiation patterns, and shows a relatively flat gain in the 3 - 10GHz frequency range. Experimentally, it has been found that within bandwidth its input impedance is relatively flat and assumes values around 100 Ohms.