Compiler for Color Center-based Quantum Computers
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Quantum computing is a promising means of satisfying the ever-increasing need for more and faster computations. While some specific applications can already benefit from quantum computing today, a large-scale general-purpose quantum computer is yet to be developed. Many different technologies are being explored to reach this goal, color centers in diamond being a promising candidate. This thesis focuses on a specific kind of color center: the nitrogen-vacancy center (NV center).
Building on top of existing work, a quantum instruction set architecture (QISA) for a quantum computer based on NV centers is designed. A compiler targeting this QISA is designed and implemented using the OpenQL framework. In this process alternative approaches are also explored and contributions useful outside the context of NV centers are made. The final compiler is able to take a quantum circuit operating on logical qubits and transform it into a sequence of QISA instructions operating on physical qubits. This functionality integrates seamlessly with the existing passes in OpenQL, allowing for further extension and the possibility to make use of future developments.
Additional functionality includes optimization, scheduling, and hardware-oriented features such as quantization of operands. Each step is easily configurable using a multitude of scripts and data files, and additional steps can be added in the future if needed.
The functionality of the developed compiler is demonstrated by compiling several circuits, some of which are validated by passing their output through a simulator.
The compiler configuration as used in these tests is able to transform logical circuit into simple physical circuits, but the compiler provides all the functionality to use more complicated logical qubits which incorporate quantum error correction.
File under embargo until 30-04-2025