Semantic-Based Framework for Integration and Personalization of Television Related Media

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In this paper we try to identify requirements, opportunities and problems in home media centers and we propose an approach to address them by describing an intelligent home media environment. The major issues investigated are coping with the information overflow in the current provision of TV programs and channels and the need for personalization to specific users by adapting to their age, interests, language abilities, and various context characteristics. The research presented in this paper follows from a collaboration between Eindhoven University of Technology, the Philips Applied Technologies group and Stoneroos Interactive Television. The work has been partially carried out within the ITEA-funded European project Passepartout, which also includes partners like Thomson, INRIA and ETRI. In the following chapter we describe the motivation and research problem in relation to related work, followed by an illustrative use case scenario. Afterwards, we explain our data model which starts with explaining the TV-Anytime structure and its enrichments with semantic knowledge from various ontologies and vocabularies. The data model description then serves as the background for understanding our proposed system architecture SenSee. Afterwards we go deeper into the user modeling part and explain how our personalization approach works. The latter elaborates on a design targeting interoperability and on semantic techniques for enabling intelligent context-aware personalization. In the implementation chapter we describe some practical issues as well as our main interface showcase, iFanzy. Future work and conclusions end this chapter.