An open access carbonate reservoir benchmarking study for reservoir characterisation, uncertainty quantification & history matching
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This work presents a new open access carbonate reservoir case study that uniquely considers the major uncertainties inherent to carbonate reservoirs using one of the most prolific aggradational parasequence carbonate formation set in the U.A.E; the Late Barremian Upper Kharaib Mb. as an analogue. The ensemble considers a range of interpretational scenarios and geomodelling techniques to capture the main components of its reservoir architectures, stratal geometries, facies, pore systems, diagenetic overprints and wettability variations across its platform-to-basin profile. Fully anonymized data from 43 wells across 22 fields in the Bab Basin, U.A.E from different geo-depositional positions and height above FWL’s (specified to capture multiple structural positions) within an area of 36,000 km2 was used. The data comprises of a full suite of open hole logs and core data which has been anonymized, rescaled, repositioned and structurally deformed; FWL’s were normalized and the entire model was placed in a unique coordinate system. Our petrophysical model captures the geological setting and reservoir heterogeneities of selected fields but now at a manageable scale. The novelty of this work has been to create semi-synthetic open access carbonate reservoir models which enable the geoscience and reservoir engineering community to analyse, study and test number of cases related to new numerical algorithms for reservoir characterisation, reservoir simulation, uncertainty quantification, robust optimization and machine learning. The value of this study is also to expose a model and a dataset to the reservoir simulation engineers so they can explore the impact of different fluid flow physics on sweep and recovery across multiple carbonate reservoir architectures with diverse lateral and vertical rock and fluid complexities – all of which can be history-matched against a ‘truth case’.
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