Piecewise affine approximations for quality modeling and control of perishable foods

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This paper proposes a new methodology for modeling and controlling quality degradation of perishable foods when zero-order kinetics are considered. This methodology approximates the nonlinear model of the zero-order quality kinetics using the piecewise affine (PWA) modeling representation. For obtaining a proper PWA model, two state-of-the-art methods are discussed, and eventually, a hybrid identification-based PWA model is considered after the comparison. This PWA model is then transformed into a computational mixed logical dynamical model, based on which an optimal control strategy is proposed that balances food quality and associated energy consumption. Furthermore, a model predictive control is proposed for improving energy efficiency when a dynamical weather environment is considered. Simulation experiments illustrate the potentials of the proposed optimal controller and the model predictive controller in a case study involving the bighead carp.


Xin_et_al_2018_Optimal_Control... (pdf)
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