Guidance, Situation Awareness and Integrity Monitoring with an SVS+EVS
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So-called synthetic vision systems are regarded as a candidate technology to increase safety and/ or enable operations that are impaired by reduced visibility conditions. Although there is no single agreed upon definition of synthetic vision, the common element in almost all definitions and implementations is a computer generated depiction of the environment as seen from the cockpit based on spatioal data. Some of the ideas date back to almost fifty years afo, long before the term synthetic vision was coined. The implementation of prototype synthetic vision systems on board aircraft started in the early nineties, enabled by the advances in the area of accurate real-time position determination, data storage and real-time spatially integrated data presentation. This paper discusses the concept, design and evaluation of a system that during the last five years has been flight tested on board six different aircraft, ranging from twin-turboprop to widebody jets. The discussion on the design rationale comprises the guidance and control task, situation awareness and data integrity monitoring using integration of imaging sensor data.