Embodying Movement For Chronic Pain

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Chronic (persistent) pain is a global health concern that affects one in ten adults ( Europe Pain Report, 2004). It is associated with pain on certain tender points of the body when staying still for long periods. Performing physical activity is key in combating this illness, but is also a challenge as patients suffer from fear of movement in the earlier stages, as well as maintaining movements on a regular basis. However, recent studies have shown that slow body movement positively correlates with emotion and well-being (Tal Shafir, 2016). This provided a started point to design a device that fosters happy, full body movements in people who have chronic pain.
The design process was focused on a making centred approach to have a first-hand experience of how movements and posture are percieved with constant referral to chronic pain research. Many prototypes and interactive technologies were designed and tested to find the correct mechanism for full-body movement and muscle stimulation. The final concept prototype focused on a seating device which can be used for work, and as well as a rehabilitation tool in connection with a computer game to practice and visualize movements, serving as a distraction towards pain. This device was eventually tested with chronic pain patients and a physiotherapist to check the quality of interaction. The qualitative results obtained were positive, showing easy control of the device along with a straight and healthy posture while making movements. The design and developement of this device was also addressed as a vision for the industrial design concept,provided it is taken further and developed.


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