A Portable Escape Experience for Sustainability Empowerment

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This project is a collaboration between TUDelft and Sherlocked, one of the stakeholders of BLUE MIRROR. The aim of this project is bringing knowledge and fun together in a sustainability themed portable escape room experience. During the Research phases, the current market of available experiences closely related to the new design was mapped out, looking at competitors, users and trends. Target users have been involved to cocreate the design, using context mapping, journey mapping and generative sessions. Which helped grasp the expectations and emotions during use, and gave valuable insights for the design. This report delivers a full concept of the designed user interactions with the room itself and embodiment of these interactions within the room. This includes designing the interfaces, as well as the narrative that guides them through the experience. The interface can consist of a combination of digital and physical components that together allow users to solve challenges within the room. Interactions of users with these objects will be designed so that the level of difficulty is suitable for the audience to achieve the goal within the allotted time. The narrative will be the overarching structure and information layering of the design that helps to carry the educative message in a playful manner to ensure it is an engaging learning experience. The report will conclude with suggestions for further research based on qualitative interviews with the target audience.

