Preliminary Design of Origami-inspired Deployable Structure

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In recent times, there has been a growing interest in spending extended amounts of time in outer space. To enable these endeavors, living and storage spaces will have to be much larger than current technologies can transport and set up in space. An interesting solution to this problem is the usage of a deployable structure that occupies a small volume in a launch vehicle but can be deployed to larger volumes in space.

This thesis explores the concept of origami–known for its compactness, ease of deployment, scalability, and structural integrity– to create a deployable structure by developing a technology demonstrator that fits in a 12U CubeSat. Engineering origami has been used across many fields such as medicine, architecture, and most recently, space. For space applications like instrument booms and antennas, it is used to save space in the satellite housing them. The current work aims to translate this space-saving strategy to a larger application by creating an origami-inspired small-scale deployable structure that, if successful, can be scaled up for different purposes.

Based off requirements set by the mission, research objective, and constraints, four design
concepts are proposed. For the chosen concept, suitable materials and a compatible manufacturing technique are chosen. The structure is then modelled and prototyped to test its feasibility and determine the configuration that provides maximum compactness and inner volume–two criteria that are critical for sizeable modules to be transported in rockets with limited space. Finally, the structural performance of the deployable unit during folding and deployment is studied.

This thesis work lays the foundation for developing Kresling origami-based deployable structures with insights into optimal configurations, material and manufacturing options, and the development of a parametric model to rapidly check the geometric feasibility of a proposed structure.