Corrigendum to “Cascaded incremental nonlinear dynamic inversion control for MAV disturbance rejection”[Journal of Control Engineering Practice 73 (2018) 79–90, (S0967066118300030), (10.1016/j.conengprac.2018.01.003)]
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The authors regret to inform that an incorrect transfer function was included in Eq. (12). The correct transfer function is: [Formula Presented] The selected gains were [Formula Presented]. This leads to a real pole at 0.964 and two complex poles at 0.965 ± 0.0445i. The difference of the model compared to the measured step response has now reduced, the largest difference being 4.8% of the final step value at 0.14 s. The mistake does not influence any of the conclusions drawn in the paper. The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.