Detection of the [O i] 63 μm emission line from the z = 6.04 quasar J2054-0005
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We report the highest-redshift detection of [O i] 63 m from a luminous quasar, J20540005, at based on the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) Band 9 observations. The [O i] 63 m line luminosity is, corresponding to the [O i] 63 m-to-far-infrared luminosity ratio of 6.7, which is consistent with the value obtained in the local Universe. Remarkably, [O i] 63 m is as bright as [C ii] 158 m, resulting in the [O i]-to-[C ii] line luminosity ratio of. Based on a careful comparison of the luminosity ratios of [O i] 63 m, [C ii] 158 m, and dust continuum emission to models of photodissociation regions, we find that J20540005 has a gas density and an incident far-ultraviolet radiation field of, showing that [O i] 63 m serves as an important coolant of the dense and warm gas in J20540005. A close examination of the [O i] and [C ii] line profiles suggests that the [O i] line may be partially self-absorbed; however, deeper observations are needed to verify this conclusion. Regardless, the gas density and incident radiation field are in broad agreement with the values obtained in nearby star-forming galaxies and objects with [O i] 63 m observations at -3 with the Herschel Space Observatory. These results demonstrate the power of ALMA high-frequency observations targeting [O i] 63 m to examine the properties of photodissociation regions in high-redshift galaxies.
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