Titanium nitride deposition on aluminium for adhesion promotion

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This investigation highlights the adhesion characteristics of unmodified and titanium nitride deposited aluminium. Due to titanium nitride deposition on aluminium, surface energy, especially the polar component of surface energy of aluminium, increases considerably. There is a significant change in physicochemical characteristics due to titanium nitride deposition on aluminium observed under atomic force microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis. Lap shear tensile test results reveal that due to titanium nitride deposition on aluminium, the adhesive joint strength of aluminium to aluminium increases considerably and increases further if silicate nanoparticulates are dispersed into the epoxy adhesive. Dispersion of silicate nanoparticles into the silicon adhesive deteriorates the adhesive bond strength. Failure mode of adhesive bonding of unmodified aluminium is primarily interfacial and changes to cohesive due to the titanium nitride deposition on aluminium.