Comparing thermoluminescence data on lanthanides in 36 compounds with predictions from vacuum referred binding energy diagrams
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Thermoluminescence (TL) often involves the liberation of a charge carrier (an electron or a hole) from a charge carrier trapping centre into the conduction band (CB) or the valence band (VB) with subsequent recombination with a counter charge carrier at a luminescence centre. TL glow peak analysis can provide the energy ΔEt needed to liberate such charge carrier which then defines the location of the charge transition levels (CTL) of the carrier trapping centres below the CB-bottom or above the VB-top. The temperature at the maximum of the TL glow peak changes 3–4 K per 0.01 eV change in ΔEt thus providing an extremely sensitive probe of energy changes in CTLs. This work collects and reviews data on glow peaks due to electron or hole release from lanthanide dopants in 36 different inorganic compounds. To compare results from different literature sources, data were always re-analysed using the same method that is solely based on the temperature at the maximum of the glow peak. The changes in ΔEt along the lanthanides series provides insight at the sub 0.1 eV level on the changes in CTL energies. We will use a compound-dependent parameter to account for the nephelauxetic effect and a compound dependent parameter to account for lattice relaxation around the lanthanide. Together with information from lanthanide luminescence spectroscopy, the vacuum referred binding energy (VRBE) diagram will be constructed for each compound. The lanthanide electron or hole trap depth read from the VRBE scheme will be compared with that derived from the TL glow peak. Surprisingly good agreement will be demonstrated.