Advancing terrestrial biodiversity monitoring with satellite remote sensing in the context of the Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity framework

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Satellite remote sensing (SRS) provides huge potential for tracking progress towards conservation targets and goals, but SRS products need to be tailored towards the requirements of ecological users and policymakers. In this viewpoint article, we propose to advance SRS products with a terrestrial biodiversity focus for tracking the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity framework (GBF). Of 371 GBF biodiversity indicators, we identified 58 unique indicators for tracking the state of terrestrial biodiversity, spanning 2 goals and 8 targets. Thirty-six shared enough information to analyse their underlying workflows and spatial information products. We used the concept of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV) to connect spatial information products to different dimensions of biodiversity (e.g. species populations, species traits, and ecosystem structure), and then counted EBV usage across GBF goals and targets. Combined with published scores on feasibility, accuracy, and immaturity of SRS products, we identified a priority list of terrestrial SRS products representing opportunities for scientific development in the next decade. From this list, we suggest two key directions for advancing SRS products and workflows in the GBF context using current instruments and technologies. First, existing terrestrial ecosystem distributions and live cover fraction SRS products (of above-ground biomass, ecosystem fragmentation, ecosystem structural variance, fraction of vegetation cover, plant area index profile, and land cover) need to be refined using a co-design approach to achieve harmonized ecosystem taxonomies, reference states and improved thematic detail. Second, new SRS products related to plant physiology and primary productivity (e.g. leaf area index, chlorophyll content & flux, foliar N/P/K content, and carbon cycle) need to be developed to better estimate plant functional traits, especially with deep learning techniques, radiative transfer models and multi-sensor frameworks. Advancements along these two routes could greatly improve the tracking of GBF target 2 (‘improve connectivity of priority terrestrial ecosystems), target 3 (‘ensure management of protected areas’), target 6 (‘control the introduction and impact of invasive alien species’), target 8 (‘minimize impact of climate change on biodiversity’), target 10 (‘increase sustainable productivity of agricultural and forested ecosystems’) and target 12 (‘increase public urban green/blue spaces’). Such improvements can have secondary benefits for other EBVs, e.g. as predictor variables for modelling species distributions and population abundances (i.e. data that are required in several GBF indicators). We hope that our viewpoint stimulates the advancement of biodiversity monitoring from space and a stronger collaboration among ecologists, SRS scientists and policy experts.