'Het Asielhofje'
a new typology for housing & integrating asylum seekers and statusholders
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Refugees that arrive in The Netherlands to seek asylum enter a system that often takes a long time and does not adequately prepare them for life in The Netherlands. The spaces are not built for long term habitation and moving about is commonplace, meaning that no network can be established.
Therefore, this graduation project researches and proposes a new way of handling asylum seekers. A system that is more humane and focuses on integrating newcomers into Dutch society. In order to do this, research was conducted into integration, current asylum seekers were interviewed and case studies were done of current asylum centres. With the findings of the research, a new typology of asylum architecture was developed: the asylum courtyard or 'het asielhofje'. The project facilitates long-term integration through several aspects such as housing for asylum seekers & statusholder as well as for the locals, a childcare facility and lastly a creative work environment. They are all organised around several courtyards (or 'hofjes') which are typical to Haarlem. Due to the (semi)public nature of the site, meaningful social interaction with the native population takes place, aiding the integration process significantly.