The Ethics of the Metaverse and Digital, Virtual and Immersive Environments


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While challenges around the creation of safe, ethical digital, virtual environments are as dated as the early attempts to create digital environments in the form of social games, more widespread conversations started only in recent years. With the recent developments in the Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology as well as the Metaverse there is a strong need to investigate challenges and opportunities in relation to the creation of safe, inclusive and ethical digital, virtual and immersive environments. With this article we frame a new conversation developed from previous qualitative research around the ethics of the Metaverse, alternatively called, Metavethics. Metavethics refers specifically to the ethics of human behavior towards the Metaverse, as it develops and grows as an advanced, pervasive immersive technology. Metavethics concerns with the study, assessment and safeguard of the ethical, integrity and social implications of the Metaverse, digital environments, virtual spaces and augmented reality content. To thrive, Metavethics requires the combined expertise of specialists from numerous disciplines, who must explore, study and develop critical knowledge to inform the creation of inclusive, safe and secure digital, virtual and immersive environments for all.

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