Locating potential landing zones with the help of digital surface models
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The current procedure of the 11 Air Manoeuvre Brigade (11 AMB) is based on a manual non integrated and slow method that uses only outdated and only topographical data. In the procedure are all 5 aspects of a potential landing zone taken into account, the so called 5S: Slope, Shoots, Surface, Size and Security.
This research led to an automated and fast method that uses more actual 3D data (WorldDEM) and delivers better results (validated on the Edesche Heide) than using the current method. The automated procedure has been restricted to two of the five aspects (Slope and Shoots). The aspects Size and Security are discussed in the research but not integrated in the automated method.
Using the new method the Pathfinders can be better prepared for a mission, can perform their tasks faster and can perform their tasks saver.