Foreign investors improving the urban quality

The relation between urban planning and the establishment of multinational companies in Singapore 1965 - 2010

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Singapore is a city-state that experienced very rapid urban and economic growth during the second half of the 20th century. This is the result of the establishment of multinational companies (MNCs) within Singapore, due to the right policymaking by the Singapore government. Various studies have been done on Singapore’s economic growth and urban development. However, the literature that looks at the relation between these topics is limited. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to find out how urban design and the establishment of MNC’s are interconnected. The research is conducted through existing literature reviews on interest factors that are important for MNC’s decision-making. These factors are linked to urban design aspects that are integrated within Singapore’s city structure. Aspects that will be taken into consideration are infrastructure and green spaces. Next, the impact of MNC establishment on the urban design aspects of Singapore’s CBD will be analysed through the use of primary sources. The main findings are that the quality of urban design is of insignificant importance for the establishment of MNCs in the early development stages. Urban design influence for future investment decisions remains unclear. However, the investments from MNCs were a major factor that shaped the CBD’s urban design into what it is today.
