Static Wheel/Rail Contact

Finite Element Analysis using a parametric modelling approach

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This Bachelor’s thesis presents a comprehensive study of the static wheel/rail contact problem using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) with a parametric modeling approach. The work begins with a historical overview of the wheel/rail contact problem, highlighting the critical phenomena that occur at the wheel-rail interface. The thesis then delves into the Hertzian contact theory, providing a theoretical foundation for the subsequent modeling of the wheel-rail contact problem using FEA. A detailed description of the Finite Element Model (FEM) macro is provided, explaining the process of modeling the wheel/rail contact problem. The study concludes that FEA is a powerful tool for analyzing the wheel/rail contact problem, and the parametric modeling approach offers adaptability for future improvements and easy adjustments. The thesis underscores the importance of validation against analytical solutions to ensure the accuracy of the FEM model. As a future direction, the thesis recommends further research to apply different loads, explore relative positions of wheel and rail, and investigate different contact elements for modeling real-world contact behavior. This work serves as a stepping stone towards future research and a more comprehensive understanding of the wheel/rail contact problem.
