A comparison of physics-based model computed and GNSS observed vertical land displacement of Greenland
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By combining the RACMO2.3 RCM output with GRACE non-tidal ocean and atmospheric pressure anomaly as well as geo-center motion corrections from 2003 to 2017, a physics-based model to estimate the vertical displacement of the Greenland surface bedrock is created. This model is able to convert the mass and pressure anomalies into vertical displacement in the spherical harmonic domain with the use of load deformation coefficients based on the PREM earth model. The computed vertical displacement has a weak correlation with the observed displacement as measured by the GNET GNSS station network. Both the computed and observed vertical movement show seasonal signals, however the computed signal has both a lower amplitude and different phase to the observed displacement. This could possibly be explained by the selection of the GNET stations used in the analysis or possibly the implementation of the non-tidal ocean and atmospheric pressure anomaly. Questions regarding the optimization of the processing within the model are discussed but remain open. Recommendations for further research into the complexity of the system and shortcomings of the model are discussed in detail.